

Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act (“Clery法案”) 是为了纪念珍妮·克莱里而制定的吗, a student who was raped and murdered by a fellow student in her Lehigh University residence hall in 1986.

这项复杂的联邦法律由美国联邦政府管理.S. 部门 of Educ信息 requires institutions of higher educ信息 participating in federal financial aid programs to maintain and disclose campus crime data and security inform信息.

在某些情况下, “Clery” crimes (especially sexual assaults) may not be reported to police or security, but instead are told to other campus representatives such as faculty and staff. 克莱利法案 requires that institutions collect reports of crime from people holding positions that Clery considers to be “Campus Security Authorities” (CSA).

This page contains a training module for 大峡谷州立大学 designated Campus Security Authorities. 按年计算, the University reviews and updates the list of individuals who hold positions designated as CSAs under the requirements of the Clery Act and the 公共安全部 oversees annual training for these individuals. 

珍妮·克莱里(Jeanne cleery) 1966 - 1986

珍妮·克莱里(Jeanne cleery) 1966 - 1986

通过PDF或视频查看以下培训的说明, 然后填写表格以获得培训学分.



请观看培训的解说视频版本, 时长只有10分钟多一点, then proceed to complete the form (click on the button below) to receive credit for training. 


Alternatively, you can read through the training yourself with this PDF version. Be sure to fill out the form (click on button below) to receive credit for completing the training. 

Please also review the following inform信息 on 第九条强制性报告:


In addition to being a Campus Security Authority, you are also required to report to the 第九条协调员 每当你被告知性行为不端的时候. 


  • 性骚扰
  • 基于性别的骚扰
  • 性侵犯
  • 性剥削
  • 跟踪
  • 约会虐待或暴力
  • 家庭暴力和虐待

一个好消息! When you make a report involving any of the above incidents of sexual misconduct, 该报告将提交给公共安全部门和教育法第九条. You do not need to make two reports, or determine which office is more appropriate to report to. Public safety will never investigate a report of sexual misconduct unless requested. 记录这些信息是为了统计目的. 




请使用此表格填写您的年度校园安全 根据《博天堂官方》进行权威培训. 你不会收到 除非填写并提交此表格,否则将获得培训学分. 

* 表示必需的字段


Use this form to complete your required annual Campus Security Authority training.


正确的. You have been identified as a Campus Security Authority for 大峡谷州立大学. 

不正确的. You have been identified as a Campus Security Authority for 大峡谷州立大学. 请参阅cssa的例子清单. 


  • 执法人员
  • 安全官员
  • 教务处专业工作人员
  • 住宅房屋职员
  • 教练和运动主管
  • 学生活动协调员
  • 司法事务
  • 学生组织的教职员工顾问
  • 希腊事务协调员
  • 监督学生进入宿舍或其他设施
  • 活动保安人员

如果你觉得自己不符合CSA的资格, 请联系大峡谷警察局的凯莉·戴克斯特拉((电子邮件保护) or (616) 331-3517). 

正确的. Team coaches, RAs and Faculty advisors to student groups are all likely to be identified as CSAs. 

正确的. 然而, RAs and faculty advisors to student groups are also likely to be identified as CSAs. 最好的答案是“以上都是”. 

正确的. 然而, team coaches and faculty advisors to student groups are also likely to be identified as CSAs. 最好的答案是“以上都是”.

正确的. 然而, RAs and team coaches are also likely to be identified as CSAs. 最好的答案是“以上都是”. 

正确的. You should report any crimes that may have occurred on or near University property, regardless of if the subjects involved are affiliated with the University. 

不正确的. You should report any crimes that may have occurred on or near University property, regardless of if the subjects involved are affiliated with the University.

正确的. 准确的地理位置可能很棘手. If you are unsure, report the incident to allow Public Safety to make the determin信息. 


不正确的. 准确的地理位置可能很棘手. If you are unsure, report the incident to allow Public Safety to make the determin信息. 


正确的. Pick-pocketing is not a Clery Act reportable offense and does not need to be reported on the CSA form. 然而,扒窃事件仍然可以向警方报案. 

不正确的. 性侵犯, burglary and arson are all Clery Act reportable offenses and should be reported directly to police or via the CSA form. 

正确的. You should report an incident ASAP, and no longer than 48 hours after learning of the incident. 

不正确的. You should report an incident ASAP, and no longer than 48 hours after learning of the incident.

不正确的. You may ask if the victim has reported the incident to police or security, 但不要坚持让他们这么做. 

正确的. 调查这一事件不是你的责任. First ensure the victim is safe and is aware of available resources; then report the incident. 

不正确的. 调查这一事件不是你的责任. First ensure the victim is safe and is aware of available resources; then report the incident. 

正确的: As a CSA, you are also responsible for reporting Sexual Misconduct to Title IX. 然而, 只要你通过下面链接的表格做一个报告, the inform信息 will go to both Public Safety for CSA reporting and to Title IX. 没有必要做两份报告!


不正确的: As a CSA, you are also responsible for reporting Sexual Misconduct to Title IX. 然而, 只要你通过下面链接的表格做一个报告, the inform信息 will go to both Public Safety for CSA reporting and to Title IX. 没有必要做两份报告!



勾选这个方框, 我同意 that I have reviewed the CSA training inform信息 and agree to fulfill my duties as a CSA should I become aware of a Clery reportable crime. *

的 department is required to annually contact each Campus Security Authority to confirm that each incident reported to a CSA during the prior calendar year (2019) has been documented on a CSA Incident Report Form and submitted to Public Safety, 或证实年内没有向中央安全局报告罪行. 

If an incident was previously reported to you and has not yet been documented on a CSA Incident Report Form, 请访问 CSA的报告 提交事故报告表格. 

If you have not had any crimes reported to you or have already documented any crimes reported to you as a CSA, 请在以下方框中进行确认. 

I do not have knowledge of any Clery reportable crimes which were not previously reported to Grand Valley 公共安全服务 or Title IX *


Direct all questions about the Clery Act and Campus Security Authority responsibilities to: 

(616) 331-3255


(616) 331-3517


参观 受害者的权利和选择 页面,了解GVSU社区可用的资源. 

Click "提交" to record your responses; you will receive an email confirming you completed the training (be sure you entered your email correctly above). 

人类的验证 *
